Setting Boundaries: A Crucial Step in Overcoming Binge Eating and Overeating
Katherine Kuhn Katherine Kuhn

Setting Boundaries: A Crucial Step in Overcoming Binge Eating and Overeating

When it comes to managing binge eating and overeating, one of the most overlooked but essential strategies is setting clear boundaries—not just with ourselves, but also with the people around us. Whether it’s the well-meaning friend who insists you try dessert, the family member who equates love with food, or the social pressure to join in on indulgent eating, boundaries are key to staying true to your health goals and fostering a positive relationship with food.

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Perseverance: The Key to Achieving Your Goals Even When Progress Feels Slow
Katherine Kuhn Katherine Kuhn

Perseverance: The Key to Achieving Your Goals Even When Progress Feels Slow

n a world where instant gratification has become the norm, the journey toward achieving long-term goals can often feel like a daunting marathon. You’ve set your sights on transformation, mapped out a plan, and taken the first steps. Yet, as weeks turn into months, the progress may seem painstakingly slow. It's during these moments that your perseverance is tested, and maintaining your resolve becomes crucial.

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Embracing The Journey: It’s Okay to Not Be Where You Thought You’d Be
Katherine Kuhn Katherine Kuhn

Embracing The Journey: It’s Okay to Not Be Where You Thought You’d Be

Life has a funny way of not always going as planned. It's easy to look around and feel like everyone else has it all figured out, but the truth is, most of us are navigating our own unique paths, often filled with unexpected twists and turns. If you find yourself not being as far along as you envisioned, remember this: It's okay. Progress isn't always linear. It's about growth, learning, and becoming the best version of yourself. Here are a few empowering reminders for anyone feeling behind:

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Mindful Eating 101: How to Tune into Your Body and Curb Binge Eating
Katherine Kuhn Katherine Kuhn

Mindful Eating 101: How to Tune into Your Body and Curb Binge Eating

Are you ready to curb binge eating and develop a healthier, more balanced approach to food? Discover the power of mindful eating! By tuning into your body's signals and being present during meals, you can take control of your eating habits and enjoy lasting transformation.

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Using Meditation to Stop Overeating: A Path to Mindful Eating
Katherine Kuhn Katherine Kuhn

Using Meditation to Stop Overeating: A Path to Mindful Eating

Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you stop binge eating by promoting mindfulness, reducing stress, enhancing self-awareness, and cultivating self-compassion. By integrating meditation into your daily routine, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and your emotions.

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