Motivational Speaking: Inspiring Women to Overcome Emotional Eating.

Why Book Katherine?

  • Personal Experience & Expertise

    Katherine brings a unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise to her speaking engagements. Having overcome her own struggles with emotional eating, she understands the challenges and knows firsthand what it takes to break free from unhealthy eating patterns.

  • Comprehensive Topics

    Katherine covers a wide range of topics related to emotional eating, mindful eating, and holistic wellness, including, understanding and overcoming emotional eating, building a healthier relationship with food, practical strategies for mindful eating, self-compassion and body positivity, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and creating lasting behavior changes.

  • Inspiring Lasting Change

    More than just a motivational speaker, Katherine empowers women to take actionable steps toward lasting change. Her talks provide the inspiration and tools needed to make meaningful, sustainable improvements in their lives.

What Attendees Say:

“Listening to Katherine speak was a transformative experience. Her honesty, warmth, and practical advice inspired me to take control of my eating habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle.” - Tarah H.

“I walked away from Katherine’s presentation feeling empowered and equipped with the tools I needed to overcome my challenges with emotional eating. Her story and insights were incredibly motivating. - Melissa M.

Book Katherine for Your Next Event

Ready to inspire your audience and provide them with the tools they need to overcome emotional eating? Book Katherine for your next event and watch as she motivates and empoweres women to transform their relationship with food and themselves.




Join the many organizations and groups that have benefited from Katherine’s inspirational and transformative talks. Let’s work together to create an impactful and empowering event!